1. Employment support

Employment support is classified into two different ways: first, candidates can check out relevant fields in the ¡®recruitment news’ then immediately apply for the position; second, candidate can leave his/her documents for future opportunities at the ¡®regular employment’. After completing application form, candidate can submit it online.

2. Document screening

Document screening is a step in which candidates’ basic skills and ability are assessed based on application form. Thus, it is important that you thoroughly fill the blanks in application forms such as major, GPA, language skill, and self-introduction letter. If any items in the application form are proven as false, the offer is automatically canceled.

3. Interview

Interview is a step to verify candidate’s specialization, research field compatibility, ability to perform given research tasks, probity among others and is seated with executives or responsible HR staff for each field. In general, the interview is carried out in a group of 4-5 people to be asked certain questions but one-person interview or presentation interview is also a possible option.

4. Aptitude test

Aptitude test is a way to uncover candidate’s personality and orientation that can not be easily revealed through interview process. By answering a given set of questions, it comprehensively assesses individual candidates’ thinking ability, people-to-people skill, sociality, creativity, progressiveness. It takes around 20 min. and if there is any abnormality in the aptitude test even if a candidate got good scores in interview, he or she cannot pass the process. Most aptitude test is carried out on the day of interview.

5. Health checkup

A health checkup is carried out around interview at a hospital appointed by the company. This comprehensive health examination includes liver and organ test through blood test, blood pressure, hearing ability, eyesight test, X-ray test and it eventually determines whether or not an offer is made to candidates according to company policy. Two or 3 days before the health checkup, candidate should not drink alcohol, or engage in excessive activities and avoid taking medicines. Also candidates should not eat after 10pm before the checkup date to get an accurate checkup result.